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all the pressing questions #Regan edition

Why did you choose AST?

I chose AST because I was very impressed by the diverse interests of all the siblings -- from their majors to their extra-curriculars, everyone was so passionate and open about their lives and I thought that was wonderful.

What is your favorite flavor of Ice Cream?

My favorite ice cream flavor is mint-chocolate chip :)

What Hogwarts house are you (also what is your patronus)?

I'm a Hufflepuff and my patronus is an owl

What is your favorite book?

My favorite book is very complicated because I have emotional attachments to many novels but let's qualify this by saying that this is the book I read whenever I need to be calm, and so I read it quite a lot, and it's called Roller Skates by Ruth Sawyer. It introduced me to my love of Shakespeare and the concept that young girls could be passionate about literature.

What makes you happier than anything else?

Happier than anything else?? I like when it's warm and sunny out and I roll all the windows in my car down (sunroof too!!) and blast some really cliche upbeat pop music (Cody Simpson, early Bieber, Teen Beach Movie soundtrack, early Beatles) and just sing-along and drink a Diet Coke and have my hair become all tangled up from the wind. <3

Also I don't think I've ever been sad at the beach I ducking love the beach.

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